For the Love of Sushi

Sushi has been around for centuries in Japan, of course, but until brands like YO!, and other culinary trailblazers, brought it to Europe on a large scale in the 1990s, it was pretty rare to find anyone in the West who had even tried it.

With brands like ours making it more accessible and visible to the general public, sushi’s popularity has grown and grown even beyond our wildest expectations. It is rightfully considered one of the healthiest foods in the world as it boasts mountains of fresh and minimally processed ingredients like seafood, vegetables, soybeans and rice. Combined with great flavours and unmistakable freshness, it has moved from rare delicacy to a delicious treat enjoyed by millions.

Here in Ireland, In fact, sushi has gone way past just being an exciting addition to what you might find in the bigger supermarkets, and is now a mainstream part of the Irish diet. For us, and our customers, it’s even become a way of life!

Internationally, the Wonderfield group now serves more than 500 million trays of sushi every year in more than 12,500 different locations around the world, from supermarket shelves to dedicated kiosks and outlets.

Owning a Wonderfield sushi kiosk, either as a YO! in Tesco, or Bento in Marks & Spencers, is anything but just another food line among thousands of others available in those supermarkets. They are a destination within a destination for anyone who loves fresh, delicious, healthy food. Our kiosks are designed to stand out from the crowd, and being part of our franchise is an unbeatable chance for you to do just the same.

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